Scope FAQ

Everything you need to know to use Scope.


Project stages—Matching, Proposal, Contract, Building, Reviewing, and Live—represent all the steps of a Scope project, from conception to live.

Pre-contract stages

Matching: everything after a customer or vendor shares project details and before they receive an expert proposal. During Matching, three actions occur:

  1. Scope shares the project with the best expert
  2. That expert decides whether or not the project is of interest.
  3. If yes, the expert writes a proposal. If no, the project is re-shared with a new expert.

Proposal: This stage begins once a customer receives an expert proposal and lasts until the customer accepts the proposal. During Proposal, the customer and expert can chat to make sure the broad strokes of the proposal align with the customers’ expectations.

Contracting: This stage begins when the customer receives a contract and ends when they sign it. Contracts can be edited and adjusted to meet customer requests; however, experts cannot edit the contract without notifying the customer.

Post-contract stages

Building: The longest project stage, Building includes the majority of work the expert completes. Building begins immediately after the contract is signed and ends once the expert submits the project for review.

Reviewing: This stage begins when the expert believes the project is complete, and he or she submits it for customer review. During reviewing, the customer must sign off on each project deliverable and may request changes, prompting a second review.

Live: Once the customer reviews and approves the project, the expert sets it to Live and the project is complete.

Archived: Scope and vendor users can archive a project due to non-activity or failed completion. A project can be unarchived at any time if a user requests to do so in the project chat or by emailing